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Nuts About Nature

BSP-1024-648 November 9 Nuts About Nature - Socials-FB_Event 01-final

Develop a deeper appreciation for the outdoors with Bonnet Springs Park in the Outdoor Classroom near the Kiwanis Cares For Kids Treehouse from 10AM – 12PM. Guests will have the opportunity to participate in Nature Bingo, create bug hotels, race through an obstacle course, and participate in kid’s yoga classes. Kid’s Yoga classes led by Yoga Pointe will be held at 10AM and 11AM. Guests are encouraged to bring their own yoga mat or beach towel. This event is open to guests of all ages with adult supervision.


Bonnet Springs Park is a privately developed public park that depends solely on public support. There are several ways that you can help make this dream for Lakeland's future generations become reality, and make it possible for friends and families to create endless memories at the park.


There are many ways you can help in the enabling of this magnificent regional park, from one-time to reoccurring volunteer opportunities. Bonnet Springs Park is looking for volunteers, sponsors, patrons, and professional services to help in the design and implementation. 


Bonnet Springs Park is a privately developed public park that depends solely on public support. There are several ways that you can help make this dream for Lakeland's future generations become reality, and make it possible for friends and families to create endless memories at the park.


There are many ways you can help in the enabling of this magnificent regional park, from one-time to reoccurring volunteer opportunities. Bonnet Springs Park is looking for volunteers, sponsors, patrons, and professional services to help in the design and implementation. 

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