Behind the scenes with President Bill Tinsley
Weather has continued to benefit the site work at Bonnet Springs Park through most of June, enabling 90% of the internal roads and parking lots to be paved with their first inch of asphalt. Not only does this define the footprint of the site, it also aids tremendously in stabilizing the site in advance of our upcoming summer weather patterns. Site electrical and sidewalks closely follow as new connections further define the foot print. Miles of irrigation lines are being installed in the 168-acre park to enable the planting of thousands of plants and trees that will give the final touch of beauty and character to the Park.
With the building envelope of the Hollis Family Welcome Center taking its final shape and finishing touches, the installation of windows gave the appearance of a more substantial completion. Framers and drywall installation inside are being coordinated with the utilities that service the multipurpose building as multiple trades are working together. Moving north on the newly paved Lakeland Regional Circulator to the Florida Children’s Museum, it is exciting to see the internal walls being framed out that will house the exciting new exhibits they will offer. For further updates on the news at the Museum, check out their website at
Progress at the Anne MacGregor Jenkins Rooftop Garden is evident as water, sprinkler systems, electrical service, and air conditioning work is being done in advance of the framers’ arrival next. The Nature Playground’s final footprint is in place, providing a special look ahead at how the free-form and elevation changes in this space are going to promote the use of wood, sand, rocks, and water to create unique opportunities for learning and play. Final roofing on the Event Center on the north end of the Park is allowing the sub-contractors to advance their work, with all trades on deck, coordinating the install of all the internal elements. Storefront windows will further protect the space to allow finishes to follow closely on the heels and getting the building dried in.

Close by, the Harrell Family Greenhouse and office for the landscape crew and volunteers are in their final stages. Wall and floor finishes are on order and will allow this space to be usable, once water and sewer connection are approved by the City of Lakeland and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Plantings within Jack and Tina Harrell Family Botanical Gardens, which were installed earlier this spring, are coming to life, bringing bees and butterflies to help pollinate theadditional plantings that will follow.The Nicholas and Ashley Barnett Peace Pagoda, which will sit on the edge of Bonnet Springs Valley, has started construction, along with Kiwanis Cares for Kids Treehouse, located near the Blanton Family Lagoon. Sub-contractor Nature Bridges will also be building a pedestrian bridge at the playground, the decks for the Ann and Ward Edwards Boat House and the Givewell Community Foundation Nature Center.
Sloan Avenue will be closed during the construction of Bonnet Springs Boulevard and the connection to George Jenkins Boulevard at the respective stoplight. A detour at the entrance to the Park will be in place to accommodate construction and the Crescent Heights Neighborhood residents as Tucker Paving Company completes the site work. Wonderful progress continues as our construction management team, led by Rodda Construction and in conjunction with Sasaki, works through the post-pandemic issues of supply and demand that have impacted the construction industry nationwide. We will continue to work through the summer together on behalf of the Bonnet Springs Park Team to bring this Legacy Park to the opening bell.

Exploration’s V Children’s Museum Rebrands 🌿

Bonnet Springs Park would like to congratulate Explorations V Children’s Museum on becoming Florida Children’s Museum! Their new home will feature something for the whole family across two floors and 47,800 square feet, while offering intentional inclusivity. We cannot wait to share the Park with you!
BSP In the News 🌿

Our friends at The Ledger got to see a sneak peek of the Park! In the article, you will get to read about our progress, despite setbacks due to COVID-19. Check out the article to read about our newest additions, our butterfly conservatory, and additional playground. Follow our Facebook for weekly updates!
Harrel Family Greenhouse Construction Progress 🌿

Take a look at the beautiful Harrell Family Greenhouse construction progress! We are thrilled to see Bonnet Springs Park looking more and more like our renderings every day. Thank you for supporting our mission of providing a safe, healthy place for all to escape, engage, and explore. Check out the link for the full update!
Celebrating BSP Board Member, David Bunch 🌿

Congratulations to our board member, David Bunch, far left, for being recognized as a Kiwanis Legend! He has served as a member of the Kiwanis Club of Lakeland for 56 years, joining March 9, 1965. He oversees our Park development as a member of our Board of Directors, and we could not be more thankful for him!
Leave Your Mark on the Park!

Looking to leave a lasting legacy at Bonnet Springs Park? We’ve got you covered! Visit our site to learn more about sponsoring engraved bricks and benches. We’re taking orders until September 30th. For a gift certificate, contact Hannah at

Give a Gift of Friendship!
As a Founding Friend, help us grow our membership! A Founding Friends annual household membership is ONLY $30.00. It also makes a great gift!
Give a Founding Friends membership as a birthday, graduation, or wedding gift! Be an advocate for the park and be sure to tell people everywhere that you go about the great work that is being done to bring this amazing resource to the community. There are still so many people who haven’t yet heard about Bonnet Springs. Be sure to tell your friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and fellow members at the organizations where you belong, such as PTA, sports teams, church groups, social and civic clubs to go to and become a Founding Friend!
Founding Friends is a unique group of individuals and families who have demonstrated their support of Bonnet Springs Park prior to the Grand Opening.
If you are looking to make a charitable annual gift to start off the new year, consider the variety of giving opportunities available at Bonnet Springs Park! Since we are a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3), all gifts made to the Park are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Your support will enable us to enrich our community through nature, culture, recreation, and education while offering public spaces that serve the needs of many. Thank you for being a part of this journey!