
June 2020

June Park Updates

Behind the scenes with Bill Tinsley, CEO

Site work remains the primary activity at this stage of construction. Tucker Paving continues to install the miles of drainage piping that will control the site water and convey the treated water to the Blanton Family Lagoon. An essential sustainability element for the environment is the cleaning and reusing of this water that formerly carried pollutants as far as Tampa Bay. This clean water will irrigate the beautiful flowers and trees that will be planted in the gardens. Although these buried drainage systems and other utilities will be relatively invisible to future visitors, they are the bones of the park. Construction Manager Rodda is carefully implementing Sasaki’s design as we prepare the site for major facility construction. Progress across the site includes installation of the boardwalk. This wooden trail, slightly elevated above the flora and fauna, will penetrate the wetlands and return to the western shore of the lagoon. The path system will allow visitors to walk along the eastern shoreline of the lagoon and enjoy the wildlife in their new environment as well as the newly planted native vegetation.

The beautiful outfall of Bonnet Springs, which originates near the Nature Playground on the northwestern portion of the property, travels the length of Bonnet Springs Valley, a serene setting. Prior to entry of the Lagoon over the Rock Cascade walls that are under construction, its final entry is a gurgling three-foot fall. Relocation of the off-site water will enable this beautiful seep spring to forever bring its fresh, cold water into the Lagoon water system.

Progress continues on the Maintenance Building, Event Center, and site grading of the parking lots and Bonnet Springs Boulevard. Both Sasaki and Rodda are entrenched in submittals and approvals of materials as we move toward the opportunity of a more aggressive building schedule. Each day at BSP we have the privilege of watching a dream for Central Florida’s place to play come off of the drawing board and into form. Look over our home page for ways to get involved in this transformational park. Play and Work safe.


We’re elated to say that we’ve reached 500 members of Friends of Bonnet Springs Park! 🎉  We’ve been spotting friends magnets out in the wild, and it makes our day each time to see a fellow friend out and about showcasing our mission and vision. Click the above image to watch a message from Friends of Bonnet Springs Park President, Kimberly Elmhorst! Be sure to use the hashtag #beafriendofbsp to show us your BSP spirit on our social channels!

Join in on Story Time with Bonnet Springs Park

The Bonnet Springs team is excited to partner with local educators in our community to host reading time for children at home in an effort to teach them the importance of nature and sustainability — something our park will soon provide! So far, we’ve had several submissions and we’re loving the excitement each of you have for the future of BSP and educating our younger audience.

If you or your organization would like to participate by reading nature-based stories, please send us a direct message on our social media pages!

Follow BSP’s Building Progress With Us!

This 250-yard slab will soon hold the maintenance building. Peep the workers in action making all of this possible with the crews of Masonry Systems under the watchful eye of Construction Manager, Rodda Construction. We can’t wait to see how drastically our drone footage starts to change in the upcoming months! 🚜 Click the image above to watch the progress unfold.

Explorations V Children’s Museum Partners with Local Nonprofits to Create Lakeland Book Club for Children

Great news from our friends at Explorations V Children’s Museum! You can visit their website to register a child age birth through second grade for a free book. Reading is a fundamental part of a child’s development and with COVID-19 taking children out of the classroom and summer right around the corner, it’s important to be able to still build communication skills with the magic of books. There is no charge to the family and additionally, if you want to support the program, you can become a Book Buddy and sponsor a child for as little as $5 through an online donation.

As a Founding Friend, help us grow our membership!

A Founding Friends household membership is ONLY $30.00. It also makes a great gift!

Give a Founding Friend membership as a birthday, graduation or wedding gift! Be an advocate for the park and be sure to tell people everywhere that you go about the great work that is being done to bring this amazing resource to the community. There are still so many people who haven’t yet heard about Bonnet Springs. Be sure to tell your friends, acquaintances, co-workers and fellow members at the organizations where you belong, such as PTA, sports teams, church groups, social and civic clubs to go to and become a Founding Friend!

Founding Friends is a unique group of individuals and families who have demonstrated their support of Bonnet Springs Park prior to the Grand Opening.

Bonnet Springs Park – 2023 Annual Report

June 13, 2024
Bonnet Springs Park had a remarkable year in 2023, highlighted by engaging events, expanded educational programs, and new initiatives! Volunteers, staff, and board were pivotal,…

March 2023 Newsletter

March 6, 2023

February 2023 Newsletter

February 3, 2023

August 2022 Newsletter

August 8, 2022


Bonnet Springs Park is a privately developed public park that depends solely on public support. There are several ways that you can help make this dream for Lakeland's future generations become reality, and make it possible for friends and families to create endless memories at the park.


There are many ways you can help in the enabling of this magnificent regional park, from one-time to reoccurring volunteer opportunities. Bonnet Springs Park is looking for volunteers, sponsors, patrons, and professional services to help in the design and implementation. 


Bonnet Springs Park is a privately developed public park that depends solely on public support. There are several ways that you can help make this dream for Lakeland's future generations become reality, and make it possible for friends and families to create endless memories at the park.


There are many ways you can help in the enabling of this magnificent regional park, from one-time to reoccurring volunteer opportunities. Bonnet Springs Park is looking for volunteers, sponsors, patrons, and professional services to help in the design and implementation. 

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