Behind the scenes with Bill Tinsley, CEO
It is a beautiful Tuesday morning as the sun starts to break the southeastern skyline at Bonnet Springs Park, revealing the traffic on the George Jenkins Boulevard Bridge. For a few hours, the crews of Masonry Systems under the watchful eye of Construction Manager, Rodda Construction, has been engaged in installation of the 250-yard slab that will soon hold the maintenance building. This is an especially exciting update to bring. It is a milestone on the Park’s first structure. The strategic choice to bring this building on line first is based on the need to house equipment and personnel that will be engaged in final steps of construction of the park, write and carry out maintenance plans for the sustainability of the park, and get ready to serve you when we open.
A five o’clock start, beautifully coordinated, makes this Tuesday morning special in the timeline of the Park. Electrical, plumbing, water proofing, steel installation, and termite treatment were all precedents to this step in the building process that are now hidden. As the building structure and framing begin over the next few weeks, this process will be repeated at the Event Center, Hollis Family Welcome Center, and Explorations V Children’s Museum and Café.

Work continues on the drainage systems of the Park, with a continued focus on the 72 inch diversion pipe connecting to FDOT drainage of off-site water scheduled later this week. Installation of the lagoon retaining wall continues, and site preparation continues over the entire site with grading and installation of structural fill, plant material in the gardens, and roads and parking lots taking shape.
It is exciting to be able to share the progress at the park. It is happening for, with, and because of you, the citizens of Polk County. Thank you.
Bonnet Springs Celebrates Earth Day & Arbor Day

The week of April 20th-24th was a fun one for the BSP team! With celebrating both Earth Day and Arbor Day, we ran a series of fun facts on our social channels, showing the impact Bonnet Springs Park is already making on the environment. On Arbor Day, we showed three trees that will live and flourish in the park and the benefits they’ll provide for the park, visitors, and wildlife. Head over to our Facebook to learn more!

Join in on Story Time with Bonnet Springs Park!

The Bonnet Springs team is excited to partner with local educators in our community to host reading time for children at home in an effort to teach them the importance of nature and sustainability — something our park will soon provide! We’re thrilled to have had our very first guest, Mrs. Mary from Achievement Academy, read Miss Rumphius; a story of a woman who set out to make the world a more beautiful place by planting lupines!
If you or your organization would like to participate by reading nature-based stories, please send us a direct message on our social media pages!
Backyard Trackyard — What Wildlife Lives in Your Backyard?
Bonnet Springs Park’s Nature Center displays immersive exhibits on native Florida wildlife and species. Discover what wild you already share an environment with in this downloadable activity!
The Beauty of Sound

Take a sneak peek at the progress of the stunning Sound Wall that will be on display at Bonnet Springs Park in the Harrell Family Botanical Gardens! Platform Art has partnered with the Bonnet Springs team to create a sculpture that enhances our space and increases cultural tourism. Students from NuVu Innovation Studio at All Saints’ Academy responded to the Platform Art Sensory Sculpture public art call-for-design competition. This full scale public art sculpture will be housed within The Sensory Gardens. Head over to our Facebook to see the full video.

With more than 20 constructed models representing one or more of the five senses, the judges chose students Laura Prazdnicane (right) and Jiayun “Lucy” Zhnag’s (left) beautiful piece on the sense of sound.

As a Founding Friend, help us grow our membership!
A Founding Friends household membership is ONLY $30.00. It also makes a great gift!
Give a Founding Friend membership as a birthday, graduation or wedding gift! Be an advocate for the park and be sure to tell people everywhere that you go about the great work that is being done to bring this amazing resource to the community. There are still so many people who haven’t yet heard about Bonnet Springs. Be sure to tell your friends, acquaintances, co-workers and fellow members at the organizations where you belong, such as PTA, sports teams, church groups, social and civic clubs to go to and become a Founding Friend!
Founding Friends is a unique group of individuals and families who have demonstrated their support of Bonnet Springs Park prior to the Grand Opening.