
July 2020

July Park Updates

Behind the scenes with Bill Tinsley, CEO

June was a month of extremes as site development progress continues. An important feature in the park program is the Nature Boardwalk that wraps the southern end of the Blanton Family Lagoon. The boardwalk, which started construction in late May, has progressed through the wetlands with over 500 feet installed to date. The construction technique for building through the forested wetlands is a top-down construction, allowing for minimum damage to the environment. Working forward with the equipment from on top of the last section built allows the team from Nature Bridges to clear only the direct path of the walkway and provide a 6,000-pound load test at the same time. Watch the video below to learn more!

Heavy timbers are installed to the depth required to form the foundation for the platform, sometimes as deep as 50 feet. The solid framing is finally capped with IPE decking. IPE is one of the world’s hardest woods. It is so dense that the material must be pre-drilled with diamond blade bits and attached with self-drilling special hardware. Life expectancy for this product is at least 50 years before it needs replacement. It is so dense that it carries the same fire rating as steel or concrete. It does not retain heat, so it is comfortable to walk on in bright sunlight. This Brazilian-sourced wood is carefully controlled to ensure it is from a sustainable source and the custody chain of the wood is monitored through the acquisition process.

Bonnet Springs Park July Newsletter

Bonnet Springs Park July Newsletter

Steady progress continues in other areas of the site as the Maintenance Building is getting the final rough-in, ready for glass and doors this week. The Event Building subgrade work is nearing completion in anticipation of completing the slab work and setting steel within the 3-week look-ahead. Heavy rain followed by long dry spells present challenges in the installation of the remaining drainage structures, sewer, and utilities, but steady progress continues. Every day in the Park is a day closer to this vision becoming a reality. Thank you for all your support.

Leave Your Mark on the Park!

Wondering how you can leave your mark on the park? We’ve got you covered! Visit our site to learn more about sponsoring engraved bricks and benches.

Join in on Story Time with Bonnet Springs Park

The Bonnet Springs team is excited to partner with local educators in our community to host reading time for children at home in an effort to teach them the importance of nature and sustainability — something our park will soon provide! So far, we’ve had several submissions and we’re loving the excitement each of you have for the future of BSP and educating our younger audience.

If you or your organization would like to participate by reading nature-based stories, please send us a direct message on our social media pages!

This Time Last Year…

It’s incredible what a difference just a year can make! In July of 2019, Bonnet Springs Park was fortunate to have Rick Elmhorst from Bay News 9 visit the park site and learn more about this exciting project! In just a year’s time, we’ve gone from clearing out trash, debris, and overgrowth to a now bustling construction site with daily progress. We’re already seeing positive ecological changes in a short amount of time, too! The Bonnet Springs Park team is thankful for our community’s support over the past few years as we bring this jewel of central Florida to life. 


We’re elated to say that we’ve reached 600 members of Friends of Bonnet Springs Park! 🎉  We’ve been spotting friends magnets out in the wild, and it makes our day each time to see a fellow friend out and about showcasing our mission and vision. Click the above image to watch a message from Friends of Bonnet Springs Park President, Kimberly Elmhorst! Be sure to use the hashtag #beafriendofbsp to show us your BSP spirit on our social channels!

As a Founding Friend, help us grow our membership!

A Founding Friends household membership is ONLY $30.00. It also makes a great gift!

Give a Founding Friend membership as a birthday, graduation or wedding gift! Be an advocate for the park and be sure to tell people everywhere that you go about the great work that is being done to bring this amazing resource to the community. There are still so many people who haven’t yet heard about Bonnet Springs. Be sure to tell your friends, acquaintances, co-workers and fellow members at the organizations where you belong, such as PTA, sports teams, church groups, social and civic clubs to go to and become a Founding Friend!

Founding Friends is a unique group of individuals and families who have demonstrated their support of Bonnet Springs Park prior to the Grand Opening.

Bonnet Springs Park – 2023 Annual Report

June 13, 2024
Bonnet Springs Park had a remarkable year in 2023, highlighted by engaging events, expanded educational programs, and new initiatives! Volunteers, staff, and board were pivotal,…

March 2023 Newsletter

March 6, 2023

February 2023 Newsletter

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August 2022 Newsletter

August 8, 2022


Bonnet Springs Park is a privately developed public park that depends solely on public support. There are several ways that you can help make this dream for Lakeland's future generations become reality, and make it possible for friends and families to create endless memories at the park.


There are many ways you can help in the enabling of this magnificent regional park, from one-time to reoccurring volunteer opportunities. Bonnet Springs Park is looking for volunteers, sponsors, patrons, and professional services to help in the design and implementation. 


Bonnet Springs Park is a privately developed public park that depends solely on public support. There are several ways that you can help make this dream for Lakeland's future generations become reality, and make it possible for friends and families to create endless memories at the park.


There are many ways you can help in the enabling of this magnificent regional park, from one-time to reoccurring volunteer opportunities. Bonnet Springs Park is looking for volunteers, sponsors, patrons, and professional services to help in the design and implementation. 

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